Trust Him

Mark 1:29-39

On Wednesday during the Lectio I couldn’t get the last sentence of the gospel out of my mind. It says even the demons were mute in Jesus’ presence, “because they knew him”. What kind of presence and aura had Jesus that it took nothing but for him to BE there? In relation to what we discussed at the previous Tabernacle, about the demon being the first one spreading rumours about his own death… well that doesn’t work with Jesus: he knows, he casts them away, he heals… heals, body and soul.

But what really struck me during the Lectio was this - Faith. The faith of Simon and Andrew when they take Jesus to cure their mother-in-law, with no doubt, and the faith of all the people that went to see him and walked home cured, in peace, physically and spiritually. I must confess that I felt rather jealous. Those people that have just heard about him believe in him with no doubt, yet for many of them it was probably the first time seeing him. We mustn’t forget, too, that this was a time when you could find prophets in nearly every corner claiming to be the ‘one’, and with all this, all these distractions, they still know, they believe it is him.

If these people had it so clear from the beginning why do I, who have known Jesus since I was little, still have times when I really struggle to find him, to trust him, to seek for him? The gospel this week made me see that Jesus was where he was needed the most.

The same as now. Now we need him to give us strength, hope, faith. We need him to deal with the difficult times we are living in. We just have to remember that he is here always, and trust him. Trust him the same way the apostles trusted him, the same way Simon’s mother-in–law trusted, the same way all the sick people trusted.

God did a great job sending us his son, to teach us, to show us in a simple, humble way his magnificence, his love, his care… Jesus was human and as a human we can connect with him, understand him and learn from him. The same Jesus still turned to God to ask for strength, hope and faith on is mission, so we too can turn to God to ask him for strength, hope and faith to bear the difficult times.

And we can trust him, and trust Jesus, just as the people back in Galilee did. Trust him and know that he walks our side. To give us a hand whenever we need it.


To Heal


The Man with the Unclean Spirit