from Prayer Vol. 01

by Strahan Coleman (chosen by Aoife-Marie Buckley)

You have folded me like the ocean,
swept over me as light sweeps the
water’s morning surface.
I am folded in on myself,
ploughed by pressure and sent to the ocean’s founding floor,
where the sediment of human past rests.
I am held there by the gravity
of celestial pressures, both within
and without, been and gone,
and yet, still to come.
You have folded me and
I am learning how to breath,
to sing and to love again.
You thin me out across the shore line
and expose the debris carried through
hidden places by my heart’s aching torrents.
You draw me back into Yourself
As we together leave it there,
for the benefit of another who
will find beauty in its story-less presence.


What Are Years?


Wild Geese