Why Do We Follow?

Some follow for fame

Others for riches

Many use his name for such power as princes

What is my reason for following the messiah one must ask

What am I looking for?

Is it for personal gain?

Why should anyone follow Jesus? a carpenter, a Nazarene

To be acquainted with such a character as Christ is nice

Yet to follow him truly comes with great grief and at such high price.

We’re not looking for the fame, riches nor power.

We’re seeking the liberation the grace of Christ brings every waking hour.

The freedom from death, shame, guilt and sin both now and forever more.

Most of all we are desperately looking to be in constant close communion with the lord of all


to spend time with him,

to learn and to love all that life is when spent in his loving arms and by his nail pierced side.

Jesus you’re the groom and we, we’re looking to follow you

we long to be your bride.


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